
Lunar Series: New Moon in Sagittarius

The New Moon is a time for setting intentions and opening new doors. This is a time for writing out your goals and desires and setting into motion what you hope to attract into your life. 

Even better? This New Moon is in Sagittarius. And since it’s a New Moon, the Sun is also located in Sagittarius — because of math. 

What Does It Mean?

Yes, this expansive, adventurer sign has entered the chat! Hallelujah. 

Sagittarians are known as the travelers and philosophers of the zodiac, as well as for their high energy and sharp tongues. Sagittarians don’t mince words. While they carry the fiery energy of their element, they’re also lighthearted and coming off the heals of Scorpio, this is likely to be a time of reprieve from those watery depths we were wading in prior to the transition. 

With this adventurous energy, you may find yourself taking yourself in directions you otherwise might not have. Lean into it. Sagittarius is an optimistic sign, so make the best of this cosmic influence as you enter into this new cycle.

What Does it Mean for My Practice?

Use this energy and moon phase to clarify your goals and intentions!

And with all that high-vibing, free-spirited energy cycling about, it’s time to bottle it up. You know what I’m talking about, witches. That’s right. Moon water. And if you’re a crystal girl like myself, set those babies out in the moonlight and let them bask in it.

Due to the nature of this sign, spellwork involving safe travels and optimism will be particularly potent with this cosmic influence, but don’t just limit yourself to spellwork and rituals. If you have a goal in mind, use this energy to explore its terrain further. Sagittarius is a sign of expansion, and they’re eager to learn, so tap into it.

Also, because of their proclivity for learning, if you need a spell to focus in school or otherwise learn a subject, this would be an ideal time! 

And as always, the TL; DR summarization is located below!

What Should I Do?

♐︎ Moon Water for Transformation

♐︎ Spellwork Involving Positive Energy + Happiness

♐︎ Utilize Adventurous Energy + Be Spontaneous

♐︎ Explore New Ideas + Opportunities

♐︎ Work Towards Your Goals

♐︎ Spells for Safe Travels + Education

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