
Lunar Series: New Moon in Taurus

Ah, the New Moon! 

This is time for new beginnings and for setting intentions. This is the point in your practice to lay the ground roots for things to come to fruition. This point in the cycle is a great time for change and starting anew. The New Moon is also a time when the Sun and Moon align, and this New Moon they are located in Taurus.

What Does It Mean?

Taurus is a fixed sign and with this, they have a stabilizing element to their being. They’re also an Earth sign, and with this, they’re also a very grounded, down to Earth sign.  This will be a time with an underlying grounding energy as a whole.

Not only are Taureans a practical sign, but they are also known for their sensual nature and being a creature of great comfort. Pleasure and beauty are important to a Taurus. Satiating our senses can become pertinent under this influence as will the need for financial stability and security as a whole. 

As a fixed Earth sign, Taureans take the slow, but steady and scenic route. They pause to appreciate the beauty of life. Taureans are also known to be a stubborn sign, but they’re just deeply rooted in their beliefs and their general being. This can be a time of great sensuality and basking in the beauty life has to offer.

What Does It Mean For My Practice?

Taureans bring stabilizing energy to the table, so this is a perfect time to work on solidifying your own personal foundation. Spells focusing on stability would do particularly well during this time as they would capitalize on this energy.

Due to Taurean’s love of the finer things in life, this is a great time to focus on practicing magick that relates to prosperity. The New Moon under Taurus ushers in an energy of abundance. Work on manifesting this during this time!

Also, as mentioned above, Taurus is an earth sign, and the New Moon is a time for new beginnings. If you’re a “Green Witch” or even just a person who enjoys gardening, this would be a fantastic time to plant new seeds — literally and figuratively!

What Should I Do?

♉︎ Set Out Moon Water

♉︎ Set Intentions + Start Planning

♉︎ New Beginnings + Clean Slates

♉︎ Divination 

♉︎ Banishing

♉︎ Green Witch Activities

♉︎ Spellwork for Attracting Luxury 

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