
Spell Jars: Creativity, Safe Travels, and Psychic

In this article, we’ll be going over a few easy spell jars to make: creativity, safe travels, and psychic. These were originally posted on our Instagram, but we have been compiling some of our most popular spells into blog articles for quick reference.

When creating these spell jars, be sure to cleanse your jar and focus on your intentions. For cleansing, I most often use smoke, and this can be done with any incense or herb bundle. After my jar is cleansed, I like to recite the purpose of each ingredient as I am adding it to the jar.

I like to begin my jars with salt for purification and their unique correspondences, but this also assists in preserving the condition of the crystals as well. Certain crystals are known to fade or deteriorate with prolonged salt exposure.

I, too, hate reading through someone’s entire life story to get to the recipes on a mom blog ― so I will try to refrain from telling you about how I had to walk to school, 3 miles uphill, both ways, in the snow. 

For the record, I’m a Floridian. What even is snow? Or hills, for that matter. And I’ll also gloss over the logistics of “uphill,” “both ways.” Just let me have my moment. Damn. 

So, without further adieu. . . 

Creativity Spell Jar

If you’re experiencing a creativity block or would just simply like to attract a higher flowstate and tap into your inner creativity, this is the spell jar for you.

As humans, we have an innate desire to create. Now, what we decide to create varies individual to individual but the desire is consistent. However, sometimes we have a blockage that is preventing us from achieving that creative flow we breathe for. 

Think of it as “Writer’s Block” but as applicable to more than just writing. This spell aims to correct this, and open up the pathways to enhance our creativity.

✩ Himalayan Salt: For Promoting Positive Energy

✩ Carnelian: For Energy Flow + Vitality

✩ Citrine: To Increase Motivation + Creativity

✩ Sodalite: For Promoting Self Expression

✩ Rosemary: For a Creative Boost

✩ Roses: For Self Confidence + Creativity

✩ Cloves: To Clear The Mind + Creative Blocks

Safe Travel Spell Jar

Got upcoming travel plans? 

This is a spell jar to create to ensure not only safe travels but happy travels as well. I don’t know about all families, but I know traveling has always made my family tense. Both as a child passenger and the adult driver.

Furthermore, I once served a Summer working in hospitality. The last adjective I’d use to describe people on vacation is “hospitable.” I have several other choice words for them, but I’ll refrain. 

Maybe you’re traveling for reasons other than vacation, and that’s just as well. This spell jars’ mission is to solve two problems at once, regardless.

For this spell jar, I turned it into a “necklace” and hung nearby—but the key is to keep it on you and/or in your transportation.

✩ Salt: For Promoting Positive Energy 

✩ Egg Shells: For Protection  

✩ Lavender: For Promoting Harmony  

✩ Mint: For A Successful Trip 

✩ Orange Peel: For Happiness 

✩ Sage: To Repel Negative Energy 

✩ Tigers Eye: For Protection on Your Journey 

Psychic Spell Jar

Wanting to tap into your third eye? This spell is crafted to assist you in doing just that. For using this spell jar once it’s created, you could meditate while holding it or place it nearby. 

Alternatively, if prophetic dreams are what you’re seeking, place this spell jar by your bedside – either on a nightstand, under your pillow, or under your bed in the spot where you sleep. You get the idea.

✩ Black Salt: For Psychic Protection

✩ Thyme: To Attract Psychic Ability

✩ Mugwort: For Psychic Powers + Protection

✩ Star Anise: For Spiritual Connection + Increase Psychic Abilities

✩ Moonstone: To Strengthen Intuition + Clairvoyance

✩ Amethyst: For Channeling + Heightened Psychic Powers 

✩ Fluorite: To Unblock Energy + Psychic Shield

And that’s a wrap. Stay tuned for weekly blogs. Feel free to subscribe if you’re interested in witchy things ― crystals, astrology, and spell jars. If not, that’s okay, too!

Blessed be.

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