
Lunar Series: New Moon in Libra

It’s a New Moon in the Season of Libra, which means that the New Moon is also in Libra. New Moons are a time for setting intentions and putting forth seeds into the universe that we want to grow. So, let’s utilize TF out of this lunar and solar energy into our intention settings and get down to business.

Side Note: While I try to keep my articles short and sweet, you can always scroll down to the bottom of the page for a concise “TL;DR” synopsis of ideas for the type of magick to perform under this cosmic influence and lunar phase.

What Does it Mean?

Libra’s are an air sign, and with this, they’re known for their intellect, if not their detachment. However, Libras are also very charming, social, and have a keen eye for aesthetics. 

Libra’s live and breathe balance. Due to this, they’re natural diplomats, and it makes perfect sense that their tarot card is none other than the Justice card. This is a sign of righteousness and fairness. And as a cardinal sign, they’re also a sign of action.

With that social element and eye for beauty playing together in cohesion, the Libra influence is one of partnerships — both romantic and platonic. With all that charisma, who wouldn’t want to be surrounded by this enchanting energy?

What Does it Mean for My Practice?

Now that we know the very bare bones of what makes Libra’s tick let’s work this back around full circle to your magic and your practice. 

Since this is a new moon and a time for setting intentions, under a Libra influence, this would be a good time to plant the seeds of attraction and self-love as well as companionship. If you’re looking to attract new friendships or a potential partner, this would be a great moon to do this under. Libra’s are ruled by Venus, so use this to your advantage in your cosmic workings. 

Also, with their just nature, this makes it an opportune time to focus on spellwork about legal matters as well as justice as a whole. If you’re looking to sway a case or something of the like in your favor, this is a good time to do just that. 

That calm, even Libra nature also makes this a great time to go inward and focus on rebalancing out our personal or professional lives until we find our center. Spellwork relating to finding our balance and our inner peace can be particularly successful under this influence.

And, if you’re a busy witch like the rest of us, and just realized a New Moon was on the horizon, throw out some moon water and charge your crystals to store these properties for later use when the need arises!

What to Do?

♎︎ Spellwork Involving Legal Matters

♎︎ Work Involving Relationships

♎︎ Moon Water for Justice + Balance

♎︎ Spells for Career Success

♎︎ Attraction Magic

♎︎ Setting Intentions for Inner Peace + Self Love

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