
Beginner Witch Tips (EP8 Recap)

Did you get to listen to this week’s episode on Cosmic Cauldron Podcast?

If you are in the beginner stages of your journey and looking for a place to start, this is the perfect episode to tune into. There’s so much information out there to sift through, so host Jaime + Charlotte are here to break down the fundamentals of witchcraft into easily digestible bites. We’ll be hitting on the most important elements for enhancing your practice and deepening your spirituality. And, as always, we’ll be providing tips on how to achieve these sometimes complex concepts.

Below we’ll be summing up some of the points of the episode but be sure to listen to the episode for full details.

1. Meditation

This is the most fundamental building block to expanding not only your mind but your practice as well. We must first work on being able to not only control our minds but also be able to sit with ourselves. This is not a quick lesson, but this one will benefit your practice in many ways. When starting out, don’t overcommit. Carve out a small portion of time each day to get comfortable with the practice. This can be as small as a few minutes to allow yourself to be still and conscious of your thoughts.

2. Energy Work

Magick is the manipulation of energy. . . and energy is everything. That makes this step paramount to mastering in your own practice. The more we allow ourselves to feel the energy around us and work towards being able to manipulate said energy, the better and more powerful our practice becomes.

In this week’s episode, we discuss tips for practicing working with energy.

“Do not be tempted to Dragon Ball Z it at someone.”

“But, but ― is that really a rule?”

3. Protection Magick

According to some, when we begin to dabble in the world of magic, we send out a beacon of energy. In one instance, this is a great thing. We’re existing on a plane we didn’t have access to before. However, with that comes the need for additional protection from energies that we may inadvertently pick up along the way.

There are several different methods for protecting yourself. This can be done by using wards or talismans around your home, or they can be worn as jewelry that acts as barriers against unwanted energies. But this can also be accomplished energetically. Tune in to hear more ideas on how to accomplish this.

4. Reading + Discernment

When starting out, we may want to read everything we can get our hands on. The truth is, I still do. My TBR list is getting ridiculously out of hand these days, though. When starting out, pick out a few foundational books that will assist you in learning the basics, but don’t take any of these books as law. When you’re building your own practice, the goal is not to mirror someone else’s practice but to make it your own. So, jot it down if you find something within the pages that you vibe with. Keep that for your practice. Meanwhile, if you find something that isn’t of interest to you, leave it.

5. Practice

Next, practice! Few things in life don’t benefit from actively practicing; this is no exception. Mistakes will be made, and it’s important to note them and learn from them. Keeping records is an important part of the journey and this can be done in a Book of Shadows or Grimoire, depending on tradition and preference. Record your spells, what works, and what doesn’t and keep making progress!

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