
Crystal Grids

A crystal grid isn’t just something that is nice to look at. Though, admit it, it is. A crystal grid is an intentional alignment of crystals, rooted in sacred geometry, that is used for a specific purpose. What that purpose is, is solely up to the orchestrator of that grid. 

The focal crystal is typically the largest crystal on the grid, followed by several other smaller tumbles or points, with corresponding purposes. Some people choose a point for their center crystal, as a point is known to concentrate and focus energy but it doesn’t have to be. 

How Do I Make One?

The good news is that there is no “wrong” way to set up a crystal grid. Crystal grids are a highly intuitive practice that allows you to connect with the correspondences and the energy of each stone that you’re using. While there are some guidelines, I implore you to follow your heart when it comes to creating these beautiful works of art.

Step 1: Set Your Intention + Choose Your Crystals

First, you will need to know your purpose. Once you have that in mind, you will need to pick crystals with corresponding purposes. 

Looking for healing? Try these: 



Rose Quartz 


Lapis Lazuli

White Quartz

Looking to increase your intuition? Try these:






Tigers Eye

Looking to increase or attract love? Try these:


Rose Quartz




♥ Rhodochrosite

Step #2: Choose Your Design

Then you will need to decide on your design. Grids are based on sacred geometry. You could buy a cloth with this design to guide you, but it’s not necessary.

Step #3: Cleanse

Cleanse your space and your crystals. We need a clear space for this work and to remove any unnecessary energy. Not sure how? Read our blog about charging and cleansing crystals here.

Step #4: Design Your Grid

Okay, so by now, you’ve set your intention, chosen your crystals, chosen your design, and have properly cleansed your crystals. 

Now it’s time to design your grid.

Place your focal crystal in the center and place your smaller crystals stemming outwards. Use your intuition for their placement. What feels right? 

There’s really no wrong way as long as you are focused on your intent. 

Trust yourself.

Step #5: Activate Your Grid

Now it’s time to activate your grid! Keep reading for some suggestions on how to accomplish just that.

How Do I Activate It?

The simplest method of activating your grid is to focus on your intention. As you are focused on your intention, envision the crystals’ energy spidering out to each and every one of the other crystals, working together in unison. You may also run your fingers along the grid, creating a sacred connection between each of the crystals. 

Now, return your focus to the center crystal and focus on feeding this crystal your energy. Then hold your intention in your mind and envision this message being transmitted into the universe.

There. You’ve done it! 

Now sit back and enjoy your grid.

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