
Athames 101

What is an athame? Well, at its core, it’s a knife.

However, it’s so much more than that! For starters, an athame is typically not to be used for physically cutting. Instead, an athame is a ritual tool used for directing energy. Its uses are more symbolic than they are physical. An athame is used to cast a circle, close or exit a circle, or as symbolism. Some of the common correspondence for the athame is of Fire or Air, depending on the tradition, as well as a representation of Masculine Energy.

From a purist perspective, the athame is double-edged or has a black handle, but that is not exactly necessary. What is most important is choosing an athame that resonates with you. An athame can be made out of any material such as wood or selenite and can even be handmade by you if you so choose.

My personal athame is a handcrafted athame made of wood. While I’d love to say it was handcrafted by me, alas, I cannot. This particular task exceeded my skill level. What can you do?

It’s also worth mentioning that an athame doesn’t even have to be an athame at all. You could use any blade or blade-like object, such as a letter opener, to suit your purpose. What is important to note here is that whatever object you choose, this is typically the only purpose that it is used for from this point forward. Unless you’re a kitchen witch, in which case you get a hall pass. Chop up those magickal herbs, witch. Work your magick!

How Do I Consecrate My Athame and Do I Need To?

First, let’s discuss what consecrating your tools means. This act is used to both purify your tools before use as well as to rid the object of unnecessary or unwanted energies. 

Like most eclectic practices, there are several ways to go about this. 

Perhaps the most traditional method involves collecting items that represent the four elements and casting a circle. For instance, salt can be used to represent the North/Earth. For East/Air, you could use incense. You could use a candle to represent South/Fire. And, lastly, for West/Water, use water. You get the idea.

The purpose of this method is that you are offering your tool to the elements, and it will be blessed and cleansed in return. If this isn’t for you, you could cleanse the object of energies by burning herbs or incense around it and using the smoke to cleanse and purify the item. 

Another simple method that requires nothing on hand but you is to clear the object by using your breath. To start, you would need to ground and center yourself. Then, focus on purifying your object and breathe this energy onto the object. 

There are several other methods, such as leaving the object outdoors on a windy day, using sunlight or moonlight, or even water. As we’ve said before, this is your practice. 

Do what feels right for you.

Ways to Use an Athame:

 🗡️ Directing Energy 

🗡️ Invoking

🗡️ Cutting Through Curses

🗡️ Symbolism for Masculine Energy or Other Correspondences

🗡️ For Protection + Banishing

🗡️ Drawing Sigils + Other Symbols

🗡️ In Your Spellwork — as you see fit!


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