
Lunar Series: Full Moon in Aries

Full Moons are a time of manifestations and abundant energy. While this is frequently the period that manifestations come to fruition, this potent energy is also great for spellwork.

The Full Moon has cycled its way back to the sign of Aries. Aries is the first sign of the zodiac, and with this placement, it is a sign of beginnings and getting ‘ish started. Sometimes literally, sometimes figuratively. Aries certainly isn’t one to shy away from confrontation. 

Being the sign to kick off the zodiac, Aries is representative of the first house, and that is one of identity and self expression. There’s no lack of charisma and personality when it comes to this sign. They’re aware of who they are and what they stand for, or don’t stand for — whatever the case may be. 

Aries is both a cardinal sign as well as a fire sign, and this combination is what gives them extra momentum to push things into motion. Cardinal signs are the instigators of the zodiac whereas fire signs are signs of actions! This combination gives them a dynamic approach to life and their very own brand of diving into things head on.

And although I’ve alluded to it, I’ve not outright said it yet, but this is an influence where you will need to be mindful of your temper. All that fiery energy, passion, and ego can easily come to a boiling point. 

Aries aren’t known for keeping their cool, so tread lightly whenever possible when it comes to personal relationships or authority. (Your boss likely isn’t going to take “the moon made me do it” as a valid excuse for letting them know exactly how you feel about them.)

What Does It Mean for Me?

You can put this dynamic energy to use in your magic, without a doubt! 

Utilize this self-starting energy for spell work involving motivation, be it spell jars or candle spells. If you need any ideas, you can scroll through our previous blogs or rummage through our Instagram page for an array of ideas to get you started.

This influence is a great one for getting things knocked out and overcoming obstacles. If you have your eye on the prize, this is a good influence to go after it. You can use this time to start projects that you’ve been putting off, be it updating your book of shadows or getting outdoors and getting some much-needed Vitamin D. Weather permitting, of course.

With all of this energy pulsating about, moon water under this face is great for spellwork involving positivity and motivation, but it’s also beneficial to save this water to charge items (or yourself) in the future!

What Can I Do?

♈︎ Moon Water for Charging + Positivity

♈︎ Spells for Motivation

♈︎ Focus on Overcoming Obstacles

♈︎ Good Time for New Ventures

♈︎ Spellwork for Protection + Vitality

♈︎ Good Time for Focusing On Ourselves

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